Become a Dealer

Seeking New Dealers in Select Areas

Looking to Add a Trailer Line?

XL Specialized Trailers is looking for new qualified distributors in select areas. XL is committed to selling its product primarily through dealerships, meaning XL’s dealers will benefit from working closely with an experienced sales representative, regular dealer training sessions, and many other dealer resources.

For additional details on becoming an XL distributor partner, complete the form below or give us a call at 1-877-283-4852.

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The XL Difference

Look around you: every building, every road, and every bridge needed equipment and materials for its construction. Every wind tower and every oil rig was put there by someone; every container of food on your grocery store shelf was carried there from our farmers’ fields.

Our company exists to move the things that build and sustain our world. At XL, we are passionate participants in the progress that is happening all around us. We build the trailer that keeps America moving!

The XL Difference

Look around you: every building, every road, and every bridge needed equipment and materials for its construction. Every wind tower and every oil rig was put there by someone; every container of food on your grocery store shelf was carried there from our farmers’ fields.

Our company exists to move the things that build and sustain our world. At XL, we are passionate participants in the progress that is happening all around us. We build the trailer that keeps America moving!